Celebrate Valentine’s Day at 3 Romantic Hotels by the Sea of Cape & Kantary Hotels

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14 February 2023, Cape and Kantary Hotels invites you to celebrate Valentine’s Day at one of 3 romantic hotels by the sea with a luxurious set meal or an excellent Buffet Dinner amid beautiful scenery at Cape Fahn Hotel, Koh Samui, Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket, or Cape Nidhra Hotel, Hua Hin.

Romantic Hotels

Cape Fahn Hotel, Koh Samui

Hue Restaurant from 18.00 hrs. onwards, enjoy “Set Dinner” at 5,900 ++ Baht per couple. For more information or reservation in advance, please contact Tel. 077-602-301.

Romantic Hotels

Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket

Top of the Reef Restaurant from 18.00-22.00 hrs. come for a luscious “4-Course Set Dinner” including a glass of Kir Royal per person for 3,000 Baht net per couple. For more information or reservation in advance, please contact Tel. 076-391-123 Ext.196.

Romantic Hotels

Cape Nidhra Hotel, Hua Hin

Rocks Restaurant from 18.00-22.00 hrs. invites everyone to enjoy a very special BBQ Buffet Dinner at 1,390 Baht net per person including a glass of sparkling wine. For more information or reservation in advance, please contact Tel. 032-516-600.

* Cape & Kantary Hotels reserves the right to make any relevant changes to this promotion which will be announced in advance via hotel’s communication channel.