Stamford International University has joinedforce with Blue Mountains Hotel Management School, the number one hotelmanagement institution in Australasia to officially open a bachelor degreecourse on hotel management. At the event, Anna Quake, assistant rector ofStamford International University was the speaker on the exponential growth ofhospitality industry to support the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community while MrTomo Kuriyama, Hotel Manager of Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit and Ms. YuthikaCharoenrungruang, Assistant Director of Marketing Communications of SheratonGrande Sukhumvit shared they working experiences in the Hotel Industry at Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit Hotel
FromLeft to Right:
1. Mr. Nutthaboon Pornratanacharoen,Assistant President for Marketing Communications of Stamford InternationalUniversity
2. Ms. Anna Quek, Asst. President for International Hotel Management
3. Mr. Tomo Kuriyama, Hotel Manager of Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit
4. Ms. Yuthika Charoenrungruang, Assistant Director of MarketingCommunications of Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit
5. Mr. George Shipley , Assistant President for Admissions of StamfordInternational University
6. Ms. Jaturaporn Thanapornsungsuth, Director of Marketing
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