Best Companies to Work for in Asia

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Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2021

Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC) won “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia , the prestigious award given to best organizations to work for in Asia 2021 organized by HR Asia Magazine of Business Media International (BMI), Malaysia.

Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2021

Best Companies to Work for

Over the past 30 years, MSC has had a clear strategy on People Excellence, focusing on human resource management under the well-defined, comprehensive and promote career advancement in the HR policies. MSC provide opportunities for employees at all levels to develop and learn in the form of Lifelong Learning through Digital Platform and many programs. Moreover, MSC concerns the overall compensation and the quality of well-being of colleagues a long with business operations as a leader in integrated information technology company. MSC operates the business strategy under philosophy of “Customer Success is Our Business”
HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia

For more information, please contact Ms. Samlee Noomsri, email: