The First Time Ever in ASEAN Thai Corporate Sector & World-Class Experts Synergize to Invoke Social Ethics to Drive Sustainable Development Approaches in All Sectors
The Caux Round Table (CRT), an international organization of senior business executives aiming to promote ethical business practice, The Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC), and Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) will co-host the first-ever SD conference in ASEAN, the 2013 Bangkok Conference: Global Dialogue on Sustainable Development, on Thursday, October 10, 2013, at Centara Grand @ CentralWorld Bangkok.
More than 1,000 delegates comprising CEOs of top-ranking corporations from Thailand and around the world, experts, and such well-known thought leaders and authors as Dr. Gayle C. Avery and Michael J. Sandel will help sparkplug practical SD approaches and propel lasting social ethics across the social spectrum on a wide-ranging scale.
Mr. Nick Pisalyaput, Thailand Representative for CRT, said: “CRT, a global SD network, has chosen Thailand to host this annual event because there is overwhelming evidence of widespread application in this country of the Sufficiency Economy philosophy in both private and public sectors. Thailand has been widely known as a moderation society practicing logical approach and self protection on the basis of an ongoing learning and ethics. These characteristics lay the foundation of an effective SD for the future.”
“This Global Dialogue aims to enable a free-flowing exchange of SD knowledge and experiences with a host of worldwide qualified scholars, networking, and collaboration among local and international sectors,” he added.
Dr. Priyanut Dharmapiya, a member of the 2013 Global Dialogue Organizing Committee and an Eminent Person on Sufficiency Economy, elaborated the dialogue highlights and benefits for the public and private sectors.
“The discussion and declaration by over 1,000 delegates will trigger an SD awareness, striking a social balance, and promoting green growth on the basis of reinforcing right mindset, values appreciation, and moral & ethics. This will usher in a significant change of SD behaviors for harmonious living” she said.
“Another highlight of the event will be numerous prominent speakers at this global dialogue including Dr. Gayle C. Avery, Michael J. Sandel, Harald Bergsteiner, M.R. Disnadda Diskul, Dr. Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, Mark O. Berelowit ,Dr. Deepa Narayan, and Paul Cheung. Their sharing of experiences on SD practice can be aptly applied in Thailand and will immensely benefit Thai communities at large,” added Dr. Piyanut.
Mr. Isara Vongkusolkit, TCC Chairman, firmly believes in the business sector’s role to drive SD in the corporate sphere. He said: “Today’s business mission cannot afford to merely aiming at making profits. The society must be increasingly aware of negative impacts rendered by a lack of ethics and righteousness.
“SD is critical to the survival of the business sector and more so in the future when AEC becomes one single market. From now on, the business world must give more importance to SD, as they encounter new challenges in the marketplace. Changing consumer behaviors will influencing their buying decisions as they are inclined to buy products from entrepreneurs who uphold and practice ethical principles. This conference will offer a rare opportunity for delegates to exchange knowledge and share SD experiences moderated by world-class scholars and experts to achieve SD effectiveness.” said TCC Chairman.
Dr. Somkiat Tangkijvanich, TDRI President, commented: “The problem and obstacle to SD in Thailand is an adherence to the former frame of thought that a worsening environment accompanies a growing development. We have to discard both models of focusing on environment and overlooking economy or vice versa. Both must walk hands in hands. We have to integrate our solutions through the collaboration by both the public and private sectors in a more stringent way. One key SD factor is the right mindset and another income. One must stride over the poverty line to be self dependent to yearn for a good environment.”
Thailand should now put emphasis on SD in all sectors and integrate their collaboration. The business sector holds the key to SD success and they could aptly instill this principle in their employees for a purposeful application in their daily business life. The government might pass legislations to oversee and enable green growth and society-friendly standards. TDRI has conducted research on related topics for presentation to the government for review and serving as a guideline to pass laws, develop policy, and design strategies to realize successful SD in all dimensions,” said TDRI President.
The Global Dialogue, the first ever of its kind in ASEAN and jointly hosted by CRT, TCC and TDRI on October 10, 2013, 08.00-17.00 hours, at Centara Grand @ CentralWorld Bangkok, expects to have an audience of over 1,000 comprising CEOs of top-ranking corporations from around the world and Thailand, scholars, experts, and community representatives. The objective is to highlight the importance of moral capitalism and grow a right mindset of social ethics. The delegates will exchange ideas, showcase success stories, and share best practices to achieve SD on a regional and global scale. The platform will also feature to the world communities many SD success stories and case studies.
The Switzerland- and Minnesota-based CRT is an international organization of senior business executives aiming to promote ethical business practice, championing principles for responsible business and charting a platform for a more moral & sustainable capitalism on a global scale since 1986. The venue for their annual conference is on a rotation basis.
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